Environmental Services

SBE, Inc. is EPA accredited to provide asbestos and lead related services and licensed in the State of Illinois. Licensure in additional states can be obtained on an as needed basis.


SBE, Inc. has a staff of qualified professionals who serve as an invaluable resource in the ever-changing environmental world. SBE provides practical application of the various government regulations and the individual building owner’s responsibilities that pertain to environmental issues.

Inspections and Management Plans

NESHAP regulations require that buildings must be inspected for Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) prior to demolition or renovation. Current regulations state that a building owner is to presume building materials to be ACM unless proven otherwise.

An inspection is the first step for any building owner in identifying locations and quantities of asbestos containing material (ACM). SBE conducts a variety of inspections for compliance. We then can provide the building owner reasonable corrective actions, plans to manage ACM, and various recommendations based on years of experience.

Our inspectors are EPA accredited, IDPH licensed and experienced to ensure the building owner of an accurate, thorough inspection.

Air Monitoring & Analysis

Air sampling provides tangible proof of airborne asbestos fiber concentrations at the time of sampling. If this is done during a project, it protects the building owner by giving actual exposure data for anyone working in the area and the adjacent areas. Current state regulations require that clearance air monitoring be conducted in public and commercial properties after removal of greater than three (3) feet of ACM. Air monitoring is conducted by IDPH licensed professionals who can also perform Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) analysis on-site. The analysts participate in AIHA Proficiency Analytical Testing (PAT) program. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis is also available through accredited laboratories.

Project Management

Through project management, the building owner has a trained, competent representative to oversee the project and contractor during asbestos abatement.
This person is present to enforce the current regulatory compliance obligations as well as the specification requirements on behalf of the building owner. Our project managers are EPA accredited, IDPH licensed, and experienced to ensure the project is done safely and correctly.

Project Design

Project design involves the development of a project manual, technical and bid specifications and drawings for any abatement project. Our design team is EPA accredited and IDPH licensed to oversee all phases of the project, attend/conduct relevant meetings and review contractor’s applications for payment.
