Asbestos Inspections

SBE is uniquely qualified to perform asbestos building inspections for our clients that is of quality and contains the most accurate details that may be accomplished. SBE is capable of accommodating all scheduling and coordination needs. SBE has developed the following site specific scope of work that includes the following tasks:

An initial walk-through of the facility will be performed. The purpose of the initial walk-through is to plan the survey and define homogeneous areas of the building. Due to the ongoing occupancy, security concerns, and overall sensitivity of the building SBE recommends a building representative should accompany our inspector throughout the walk-through and survey to help answer any questions and to provide access in all areas.

Once the initial walk-through is completed SBE will conduct a visual inspection of accessible areas and a physical assessment. The physical assessment will determine the location, friability, amount, and condition of accessible suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM).

SBE randomly photographs materials from which a bulk sample is collected. These photographs are included in the final written report to document material locations and conditions at the time of the survey.

SBE will analyze bulk samples for asbestos content by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). PLM is the EPA recognized method for determining bulk asbestos content.

A hazard assessment is performed that involves the evaluation of results of the physical inspection together with a determination of the appropriate response action.

Black line drawings are prepared to show the approximate locations of accessible ACM, suspect areas, and bulk sampling locations.

SBE will prepare a written survey report to include analytical results of bulk samples; a description of sample locations; a description of material conditions; abatement recommendations; and abatement cost estimates.
